Haver Analytics
Haver Analytics

Our data

Haver Analytics updates and manages historical time series data for macro strategy and research. The data offering ranges from daily market data to annual economic statistics. Haver data are accessed through our DLX software and databases installed on client network locations.

Our 250+ databases are continually growing to meet the needs of our clients. These databases are updated continuously, beginning with the start of business on Monday in New Zealand until the close of business on Friday in North America. Most time sensitive data are updated within minutes of release from the source. Internal quality control checks ensure data accuracy. Our client support hot line is staffed by experienced database managers, who help clients locate and understand the relevant data for their information needs.

Our global economic and financial coverage includes country-sourced macro detail, financial indicators, daily & weekly, industry, international organizations, forecasts and as reported, and U.S. regional.

Database Profiles

U.S. Economic Indicators

Haver Analytics' U.S. databases cover U.S. economic and financial history from the early 1900s to the present. The databases contain monthly, quarterly and annual data published by the U.S. government, various newspapers and numerous trade associations.

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Haver Analytics' primary database of U.S. economic and financial data updated within minutes of release. Data cover national accounts, prices, housing, construction, industrial production, interest rates, money supply, public finance, wholesale and retail trade, manufacturers' shipments, inventories and orders, employment, productivity, population, international trade and business cycle indicators.


Complete national income and product accounts from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, including monthly personal consumption expenditures, personal income in millions of dollars, auto detail and key source data. (Databook Vol 2)


Monthly consumer price indexes and relative importance detail by region, MSA and city-size class as published in theCPI Detailed Report. Also includes average prices paid for commodities, utilities and fuels, CPI for older Americans, chained CPI, department store inventory price indexes and CPI research series.


Stage of processing, commodity and industry-based price indexes published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the PPI Detailed Report.


Stage of processing, commodity and industry-based price indexes published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the PPI Detailed Report.


Monthly payroll figures by industry from the Establishment Survey reported in the Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment and Earnings.


Contains the complete monthly household employment data from theCurrent Population Surveyof households from the BLS.


Monthly and quarterly employment and wage data derived from quarterly tax filings of businesses with employees. Data are presented by 6-digit NAICS and by size of establishments beginning in 1990.


Annual occupational statistics covers employment and wage estimates for over 800 occupations by 3-digit NAICS industries.


Complete industrial production detail including electric power use for 285 industries and industry groups published monthly in the (G.17) Federal Reserve Board release,Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization.


Financial accounts (Z.1) from the Federal Reserve Board. Financial assets and liabilities by sector and transaction type as well as Balance Sheet items.


Complete net stock, depreciation, average age and investment data reported in the BEA publicationFixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth in the United States. Detailed estimates by industry and by type of equipment or structure.


Detailed international trade in goods and services, international transactions, foreign direct investment in the U.S., U.S. direct investment abroad, foreign transactions in long-term securities (TIC data) by country and product. USTRADE includes trade data by country by 5 and 6-digit NAICS commodity detail.


Detailed international trade in goods and services, international transactions, foreign direct investment in the U.S., U.S. direct investment abroad, foreign transactions in long-term securities (TIC data) by country and product. USTRADE includes trade data by country by 5 and 6-digit NAICS commodity detail.


This survey measures the amount of time people spend on various activities and is the only federal survey that includes nonmarket activities such as childcare, volunteering and leisure activities. Data are collected by age, sex, race, educational attainment, marital status and household type. Household types include those with a child under age six, with a child between age six and seventeen, a single adult with no children and two or more adults with no children. Time spent by employed persons working is reported by location (home or at their workplace). Annual data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics begin in 2003.

Specialized Databases

These proprietary databases are provided to Haver Analytics by consulting firms, trade associations and economic research centers. Each database concentrates on its organization's area of expertise about the economy or the financial markets.

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Financial Indicators

Databases covering mainly financial indicators reported by governments, central banks, trade associations, news organizations and other private firms. Includes Haver Analytics' daily and weekly domestic and international databases covering commodities, foreign exchange and financial markets and selected economic and financial information.

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Our Industry databases provide detailed coverage of global markets as well as specialized data from consulting firms, trade associations and economic research centers.

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Industry - Energy

These databases from Pennwell Publishing's Oil & Gas Journal, The Energy Intelligence Group, the Joint Organisations Data Initiative and Edison Electric Institute are dedicated to the global energy industry.

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Advanced Economies

This group of databases is updated from national statistical offices, central banks and other national sources. They provide the most timely data for the countries included.

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Emerging Markets

This group of databases is updated from national statistical offices, central banks and other national sources. They provide the most timely data for the countries included with new country coverage added regularly. Haver Analytics also calculates additional seasonally adjusted series, US$ series, regional GDP aggregates, productivity and unit labor costs data.

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Regional Country Detail

This group of databases is updated from national statistical offices, regional/state/provincial statistical offices, central banks and other national sources. They provide the most timely data for regional level statistics with new coverage added regularly.

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Other Country Detail

These databases contain data from mostly private sources who conduct surveys providing supplemental economic, environmental, social and governance statistics.

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International Organizations

These databases include monthly, quarterly and annual data from the Bank for International Settlements, the European Central Bank, Eurostat, the European Commission, the OECD, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the World Bank. They provide comparable statistics for macroeconomic indicators, national accounts and balance of payments for countries and regions.

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Forecasts & "As Reported Data"

Haver Analytics has several databases with macroeconomic forecasts. We also store historical data as reported at a certain date to allow comparisons with pre-revision data as well as changes in methodology and classifications.

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U.S. Regional Service

Haver Analytics' regional databases cover economic conditions in U.S. states, metropolitan areas, counties and cities. These databases contain weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual data published by federal, state and local governments and various trade associations.

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