Haver Analytics
Haver Analytics
| Jul 05 2024

German IP Falls; Trends Are Weak As Well

German industrial production fell by 2.5% in May, continuing a sawtooth pattern over the last few months. Reductions in headline output, consumer goods output, capital goods output, represent reversals from gains in April; for intermediate goods, the May decline is the second month in a row of output declines.

Trends are clear Sequential trends for German output are poor. The progression in growth rates from 12-months to six-months to three-months isn't always pointing to a steady deterioration, but the case for weakening German growth can be made comparing the three-month growth rates that are weaker to their 12-month growth rates. For the headline, for consumer goods, for capital goods, and for intermediate goods, for construction, all show that tendency. That's also true as construction, as output falls at a 26.8% annual rate over three months compared to a drop of 8% over 12 months. The pattern for manufacturing is illustrative with output down by 7.1% over 12 months, improving slightly to a loss of 5.1% annualized over six months, and then dropping at a 10% annual rate over three months. While the decline in the manufacturing pattern is not clear sequential deterioration, it certainly leans in that direction.

Real orders and sales Real orders for manufactured goods also lean the direction of weakening, with declines of about 8.5% over six months and 12 months that mushroom into a decline of 11.7% at an annual rate over three months. Real sales in manufacturing fall by 6% over 12 months, reduce that pace of drop of 3.3% over six months, and then fall at a stepped-up 8.3% annual rate over three months.

Surveys are mixed but highlight some weakness Surveys of the German economy show secular deterioration from 12-months to six-months to three-months in the ZEW current index. On the EU Commission industrial sector index, there is sequential deterioration as well. Contrarily, the IFO manufacturing index shows sequential improvement and the IFO expected manufacturing index echoes sequential improvement, rising from 86.6 over 12 months, to 88.7 over six months, to 92.7 over three months.

IP elsewhere in Europe Industrial production elsewhere in Europe shows mixed trends with France, Spain, and Portugal logging positive growth rates over three months, six months and 12 months although without any clear patterns for acceleration or deceleration. Norway shows sequential deterioration with output falling at a 1.4% pace over 12 months, at a 3.2% annual decline rate over six months, and at a 6.6% annual decline rate over three months.

Quarter-to-dates (QTD) growth Quarter-to-date growth rates (or changes in survey indexes) show mostly declines. For the traditional gauges of industrial output, output by sector in Germany, as well as for orders and real sales, the exception is an increase in the output of consumer goods in Germany. German surveys, on the other hand, tend to improve in the quarter, except for the EU Commission index. Industrial production in other European economies shows a strong gain in Spain, a gain in France, a decline in Portugal, and a sharp developing decline in Norway where output is falling at a 14.5% annual rate in the quarter-to-date.

Growth rankings are weak The queue standings that rank the annual growth rates or are applied to the levels of the variables for surveys, show all these metrics with rankings below their 50% mark putting them below their historic medians for data ranked over the last 24 years. The exception to this is output in Spain and Portugal; their output, contrarily, has very strong standings at the 98th percentile for Spain and a companion standing for Portugal at its 93rd percentile.

Results since before COVID struck We compare results in May 2024 to levels of performance in January 2020. The final column compares changes in these metrics to their levels as of January 2020 before COVID struck. All metrics show weak readings in May 2024 below January 2020 except for IFO manufacturing expectations and industrial output in Spain. All the other metrics are showing net lower readings compared to their values more than four years ago (ouch!).

‘Ongoing weakness’ continues as a theme The manufacturing sector and its indicators are showing ongoing weakness and they're hinting at weakness that's getting weaker. The ECB cut rates once and is now engaged in some watchful waiting. In the meantime, European politics have been turned upside down by the emergence of political strength from the political right. All this makes the future somewhat more speculative. Countries, regardless of who's in charge of the government, are going to be facing greater military demands on their budgets and probably harsher demands from the United States for them to pay more for NATO defense because political developments in the United States are clearly pushing things in that direction regardless of who wins the election in the U.S. While everyone is focused on central banks cutting interest rates now/soon, the situation with budget deficits, the aging of global populations, and the rising demand for military spending are more likely to put upward pressure on inflation and interest rates, as we look to the future. Try not to get too distracted by any near-term weakness that could be used as an excuse to cut interest rates. The politics supporting rate cuts are clearly in place in a number of key monetary center countries/Areas; however, economic arguments on the need for rate cuts are far less supportive than arguments in the popular press make them seem. Given some greater perspective, the trend for inflation and interest rates is probably contrary.

  • Robert A. Brusca is Chief Economist of Fact and Opinion Economics, a consulting firm he founded in Manhattan. He has been an economist on Wall Street for over 25 years. He has visited central banking and large institutional clients in over 30 countries in his career as an economist. Mr. Brusca was a Divisional Research Chief at the Federal Reserve Bank of NY (Chief of the International Financial markets Division), a Fed Watcher at Irving Trust and Chief Economist at Nikko Securities International. He is widely quoted and appears in various media.   Mr. Brusca holds an MA and Ph.D. in economics from Michigan State University and a BA in Economics from the University of Michigan. His research pursues his strong interests in non aligned policy economics as well as international economics. FAO Economics’ research targets investors to assist them in making better investment decisions in stocks, bonds and in a variety of international assets. The company does not manage money and has no conflicts in giving economic advice.

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