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Robert Brusca

Robert A. Brusca is Chief Economist of Fact and Opinion Economics, a consulting firm he founded in Manhattan. He has been an economist on Wall Street for over 25 years. He has visited central banking and large institutional clients in over 30 countries in his career as an economist. Mr. Brusca was a Divisional Research Chief at the Federal Reserve Bank of NY (Chief of the International Financial markets Division), a Fed Watcher at Irving Trust and Chief Economist at Nikko Securities International. He is widely quoted and appears in various media.   Mr. Brusca holds an MA and Ph.D. in economics from Michigan State University and a BA in Economics from the University of Michigan. His research pursues his strong interests in non aligned policy economics as well as international economics. FAO Economics’ research targets investors to assist them in making better investment decisions in stocks, bonds and in a variety of international assets. The company does not manage money and has no conflicts in giving economic advice.

Publications by Robert Brusca

  • Industrial production for French manufacturing rose 1.2% month-to-month in December after gaining 0.2% in November and being flat in October. The progression has manufacturing output in France rising from 0.9% over 12 months to a 2% pace over six months to a 16.5% annual rate over three months. This clear accelerating progression is good news for French production. However, quarter-to-date data only show output up at a 0.2% annual rate in the just-completed fourth quarter.

    Looking at the components the output of consumer nondurable goods also shows a progression of accelerating output and that is the only component that does that; however, the four components of output consumer durables, consumer nondurables capital goods and intermediate goods show three of them with three-month output growth at a faster pace than 12-month output growth period; the exception is consumer durables that have made a sharp turn lower falling at a 9.2% annual rate over three months compared to a 1.5% gain over 12 months.

    The output of autos has been sporadic, but that's not unusual for that sector. Over the most recent three months auto production is up at a 28.2% annual rate compared to -0.8% over 12 months and a sharper -8% annual rate over six months. Consumer spending on autos in France picked up in December after two months of declining, rising by 9.1% month-to-month. Consumer spending on autos is up about 22% over 12 months, then it's up at a 43% annual rate over six months, and then it settles back to a 22% growth rate over three months. This is essentially directionless performance in terms of acceleration, but it does show steady strength and at least an attempt at acceleration over six months on the part of consumers. In many other respects, the French economy has been weak. French GDP has declined in two consecutive quarters, and has annualized year-over-year growth of only 0.6% in Q3 and 0.7% in Q4.

    The chart juxtaposes year-over-year industrial production traced out in red against France’s manufacturing PMI that is presented as a level. When the PMI is below 50 manufacturing output is supposed to be declining. We see that from 2020 to early 2021 that rule was obeyed fairly well. Then in later 2021, the PMI stayed at a mid-50 level while output briefly dipped and showed contraction. Later in 2022, the French manufacturing PMI fell below, and then return back to its 50% mark, as industrial output continued to fluctuate between roughly 0 and 3%. In 2023, the PMI decidedly began heading South and moving significantly below the 50% mark down into the mid to lower 40s signaling declines in the manufacturing sector. However, during this period, industrial production moved down to a lower growth trajectory, showing negative growth rates only sporadically. The PMI statistic may not map perfectly into growth, expansion, weakness, and contraction on the part of French manufacturing; however, the two signals are not incompatible either.

  • Global| Feb 01 2024

    Globally MFG PMIs Recover

    Globally manufacturing PMI gauges improved in January with only two of the 18 individual reporting countries showing manufacturing worsening. Those two countries were Mexico and Russia. Over three-months compared to six-months, 72.2% of the reporters show the improvements; over six-months compared to 12-months, 55.6% of the reporters show improvements; comparing current values to 12 months ago, half of the reporters show improvements and half show deterioration.

    Conditions are getting consistently better over three months, six months, and 12 months in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Taiwan, and in South Korea. On the other hand, conditions are getting progressively worse over 12 months, six months, and three months in France, Canada, Japan, China, and Turkey.

    The improving group features the United States and some of its important trading partners, particularly Mexico, Taiwan, South Korea, and Brazil. Among those worsening sequentially, are France- even though the euro area itself, and Germany the largest economy in the euro area, are not sequentially deteriorating. Canada shows sequential deterioration despite being importantly and closely linked to the U.S. economy through trade even with the U.S. doing sequentially better. Japan trades a great deal with the United States, too, although its largest trading partner is China which is on this list as one of the deteriorating countries and China is having some significant issues. It’s no wonder that these are dragging Japan down. Turkey, of course, is not a surprise on this list because of its ongoing monetary difficulties and structurally high inflation rate.

    The queue rankings for the current PMI values back to 2020 now show 7 of 18 countries with PMI standings higher than their medians for this period (That means standings above the 50% mark). Those with standings above the 50% mark include India, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea, and Malaysia. There are five countries with queue standings below their 25th percentile in the bottom quartile of their range. Those include Japan, China, the U.K., Canada, and France. In this comparison, the euro area barely escapes being categorized as it stands just above its bottom quartile with its 26.5 percentile standing. In contrast, U.S. standing is in its 40.8 percentile.

  • Only 38% of the countries in the table show inflation accelerating in December. Inflation is much more broadly decelerating right now. In November, the accelerating/decelerating split was even.

    Inflation has been moving lower, but its breadth across these 14 countries is above 50% showing more acceleration than deceleration, over three months and six months. The 3-month diffusion rate is 61.5%, the 6-month diffusion is a very high 92.3%. Still, year-on-yar inflation is decelerating on balance just about everywhere with a diffusion score of 7.7%. Inflation over 12 months accelerates compared to 12-months before that only in Luxembourg, hardly a regional bellwether.

    Moreover, despite what the diffusion data tell us, over three months prices are falling by more where they are falling compared to the speed of increases where they are rising. The seven country-level prices that showed inflation increase over three months averaged gains of 5.9% compared to the seven categories with prices declining that show the average decline of 8.8%. The medians also show this with the median gain where there are price rises at 4.7% vs. the median decline of 5% where there are declines. These statistics juxtapose breadth vs. the intensity of a directional move.

    Over six months not only is the tendency to accelerate broader (92% of respondents) but where prices are rising the average gain is 12.5% compared to an average decline of 9.3% where prices are falling. And when we shift to explore the median statistic where there are prices rising, the median price rise is 2.6% compared to the median drop being 2.1% where prices are dropping.

    Year-on-year 13 of 14 PPI price indexes, are both decelerating compared to a year ago and falling compared to their year-on-year pace. So, inflation trends and tendencies are becoming more mixed, over shorter horizons. But in the aggregate, inflation rates are moving into a lower trajectory.

  • GDP in the European Monetary Union in 2023 Q4 rose by 0.1% based on its early release. This small gain reverses the direction of GDP that fell by 0.5% in the third quarter of 2023. It helps to establish a positive growth rate over the last four quarters at 0.1%, after the third quarter posted a year-over-year GDP growth rate of zero.

    EMU avoids year-on-year GDP losses- The European Monetary Union has avoided year-over-year declines in GDP since the first quarter of 2021. This early report is based in part on released data for seven monetary union members plus estimates. The four largest EMU economies: Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, posted a GDP gain, in the fourth quarter of 0.1% when grouped together. This is below the 0.3% gain they logged in the third quarter. These four countries provided a year-over-year GDP gain of 0.5%, up from 0.3% in the third quarter but lower than the previous two quarters. Based on this early data the rest of the monetary union -apart from these four countries - saw fourth quarter GDP rise by 0.3%, a reversal of their third quarter decline of 2.5% and it compares to a 0.1% quarter-to-quarter decline in the second quarter of 2023. The rest of the monetary union group’s GDP declined by 0.9% in the fourth quarter year-over-year the same as its year-over-year drop in the third quarter. These early and preliminary data demonstrate that the Big-4 economies in the monetary union are carrying the weight of pushing growth forward.

    Optimism for global growth? However, none of this comes close to the U.S. where fourth quarter growth annualized GDP was up 3.3% after posting 4.9% in the third quarter. The U.S. GDP logs in at a 3.1% growth rate over four-quarters in 2023-Q4, up from 2.9% over four-quarters that was registered in the third quarter of 2023. The performance of the U.S. economy provides some backing and reason for optimism for the global economy looking ahead.

    Percentile standings reveal a lot of under-performance- Additionally, we can evaluate the year-over-year GDP performance of the countries in the table by comparing current year-over-year growth to growth rates in the past. On this basis, the U.S. clearly has the strongest relative growth rate with the 75-percentile standing for its 3.1% growth rate. Portugal has a standing in its 64th percentile, above its historic median for the period (medians occur at the 50-percentiel mark). And Portugal is the only European Monetary Union member in the table with a GDP growth rate above its median. For the monetary union, the 0.1% growth in the fourth quarter has a 19.6 percentile standing. Among reporting members, the strongest standing (apart from Portugal) is Belgium with a 43.5 percentile standing, Italy with a 40.2 percentile standing, and Spain at a 38-percentile standing. The lowest standing is from Ireland with a 5.4 percentile standing; Germany has a 20-percentile standing and the French standing rounds to its 23rd percentile.

  • Ireland's economy is not doing particularly well; however, the consumer portion seems to be holding up better than expected. Nominal retail sales (excluding auto sales) in December rose by 0.8% while real (ex-auto) retail sales rose by 0.3%. The inflation adjusted series rose by 1.9% over 12 months, fell at a 3.3% annual rate over six months and rose at an annualized rate by 5.1% over three months.

    The nominal figures get the most notice, but of course, we are mostly concerned with sales in real terms.

    In real terms, Irish sales (excluding motor vehicles) are up at a 3.9% pace in 2023-Q4 (in the just completed quarter for retail sales data). Food & beverage spending is up at a 3.7% pace. Clothing & textile spending is falling at a 5.5% annual rate. Total retail sales volumes are falling at a 0.8% annual rate in the fourth quarter.

  • Germany’s GfK survey for consumer climate fell sharply to -29.7 in February from -25.4 in January. This sharp deterioration reversed this two months of improvement in the index. This is the eighth sharpest month-to-month drop in the index headline and it is sharper than any drop experienced before May 2020. The GfK climate metric was last weaker in March 2023, nearly a year ago. Taking the current estimate, positioning it between its highest and lowest historic readings puts it at the 24.3 percentile mark, in the lower quartile of its historic high-low range. However, if we alternatively rank the observation in an ordered queue of data on the same timeline back to 2022, the February percentile standing drops to 3%. That tells us that the GfK index has been this weak or weaker only 3% of the time since 2002. The index is extremely weak, and it is dropping fast- a very bad combination.

    German weakness amid global hope The graphic shows how the coming of COVID completely destroyed German confidence/climate that fell sharply and has been hovering around extremely weak readings ever since COVID occurred. And then, of course, in the wake up COVID, there was the Russian invasion of Ukraine. At the same time, the ECB has been relentlessly pursuing inflation which kicked up during this period. Among these three events, the German economy has simply been reeling. And German consumers are facing some of the worst conditions they've seen in the last two decades. Not surprisingly, Germany also faces political leadership questions. While some recent reports have showed that global conditions seem to be bottoming out and beginning to show some positive outlook, the GfK survey stands in marked contrast to this result.

    Survey details – the news does not get better The details of the survey lagged by one month; they are for January 2024. German economic and income expectations fell sharply in January compared to December; economic expectations were last weaker in December 2022; income expectations were last weaker in March 2023. The propensity to buy also fell sharply in January, but it was last this weak only a couple of months ago in November 2023. The percentile account standings of these metrics show economic expectations in the lower 25.5 percentile of their ordered queue; for income expectations the standing is even weaker than that in the lower 7.2 percentile; the propensity to buy is the lower 22.1 percentile of its range. All of these are weak. And all of them have gotten significantly weaker in just the last month or two. In fact, the month-to-month drop in economic expectations has been worse only 21% of the time, and the monthly drop in income expectations has been worse only 4% of the time -Yikes!

    Other Europe Confidence metrics for other-Europe are sampled from Italy, France, and the United Kingdom. The U.K. and France have readings that lag by a month behind the German reading while Italy’s reading lags by two months. The most recent observation for each one of these three countries shows an improvement compared to the month before. All three countries are on a multi-month improving trends for their confidence readings as well. None of them have confidence readings as deeply negative as Germany's. The U.K. confidence reading has a 34-percentile standing, the French reading has a 38-percentile standing, and Italy has a 74.7 percentile standing that is well above its median and seems to indicate a good deal of contentment.

    GfK was worse than expected Germany’s GfK consumer climate index is a slice of unexpected bad news and at a time that other global metrics and other countries have been experiencing some improvement in their numbers and in their trends. For example, the S&P PMI indexes have showed some improvement and a bottoming out even though those indicators lag. There have been diminishing signs in the S&P survey of conditions of getting worse globally – some stability or even improvement seems in-train. The U.K., France, and Italy each show some improving trends in their confidence metrics. The United States not only did see its S&P PMI gauges improve, but the 2023-Q4 GDP report for the U.S. registered a very solid 3.3% growth after a strong third quarter, much better than private economists, or the Fed or even the administration, were looking for. At the same time, U.S. inflation data are amid an improving streak that left the core PCE deflator in the GDP report registering a 2% advance in terms of annualized quarter-to-quarter growth rates for both the third and fourth quarters. Year-over-year inflation on any measure is still well above the Fed’s and other central banks’ 2% target, but these recent releases for the U.S. are quite tantalizing and put the U.S. in a very different situation than any other country that has recently been reporting economic data.

  • The Belgian National Bank index fell to -16.4 in January from -12.7 in December, snaking below its November 2023 level of -15.0. The index by itself is not particularly significant except it does track quite effectively both the German and the EU indexes issued by the European Commission. Since the Belgian index is released first, it's a harbinger of what we can expect from those other indexes and what's suggested here is that there will be further deterioration in January.

    The total index The total industry Belgian index has a correlation of 0.85 with the EU index and of 0.78 with the German index. However, it's correlation based on month-to-month changes is even higher, at 0.92 with the EU changes and 0.85 with the German changes. These are all respectably high numbers and the correlations with the changes are quite high. The correlation on the changes corresponds with an R-squared with the EU of 0.86 and an R-squared with the German changes of 0.72.

    Manufacturing in Belgium The Belgian manufacturing index slips to -22 in January from -17.8 December and is below its November value of -19.3. In January, the production trend turned more deeply negative, logging a reading of -19 compared to -7 in December and -5 in November. The domestic and foreign order trends also deteriorated in January compared to December; however, the foreign order trend in January is above its November level. Prices continue to show negative values and then in January the price trend declined by more after declining by less in December.

    Other Belgian sectors Wholesaling and retailing strengthened in January compared to December, but metric is weaker than its November reading. Similarly, construction weakened relative to December but it's stronger than its November reading. Business services along with inventories are the only surveyed metrics that show positive readings. In January business services weakened compared to December, falling to +4.6 from +9.8; however, the January reading is still stronger than the November reading.

    Trending changes Looking at changes in these metrics, only business services show positive changes over three months, six months, and 12 months. Prices and domestic order trends are the only metrics that show positive changes over three months and six months.

    Rank standings The rank percentile standings reveal that weak readings abound in every one of the categories, showing percentile standings below their respective 50th percentiles everywhere. That means that all the readings are below their respective medians for this period. Data in the table are ranked across observations back to January 2010.

    The distribution of weakness is concentrated in the areas of ‘very weak’ The only category close to its median for the period was inventories with the 49.2 percentile standing. After that, the next strongest standing is business services at a 38-percentile standing, followed by prices at a 25.8 percentile standing. The third highest standing in the table is at the border of its bottom quartile! After ‘prices’ all the categories are somewhere in their 15th percentile with all but one of the remaining categories below their respective 10th percentiles.

    Weak with weak momentum These conditions show us a great deal of weakness in Belgium from an index that is highly correlated with German and EU indexes. The only momentum in this table comes from Belgian business services where there's a steady diet of positive changes underway. The changes that are underway for business services are tending to get larger/stronger over shorter periods, which is a good sign. However, manufacturing continues to show negative results and the current assessment for orders continues to show negative results.

  • Global| Jan 24 2024

    S&P Flash MFG PMIs

    The chart is for the European Monetary Union and there we see relative stability for services activity as manufacturing is turning higher. Turning to the table we see most of the responses- that means 10 out of 16 responses- show conditions in manufacturing or for services or for the composite, improving rather than weakening in January 2024. December also showed a strong move towards strengthening compared to weakening, especially against the history of the recent past. December also showed 10 metrics strengthening and only six weakening.

    Beginning with this report our history for comparison moves up to January 2020 instead of to January 2019. On this timeline, the January 2024 values for the PMI responses in the table show only three above the 50% mark which means there are only three that have PMI standings above their median for this period.

    Despite the slight improving tone in this report, it's quite clear that the changes and these PMI metrics back to January 2020 show that all but six of them are still lower than they were at that time - a significant span of four years. That's a long time for PMI gauges to not have improved.

    With this improvement in January, on the heels of improvement in December, we now have over three months improvement across the board with only four exceptions. The exceptions are France where the service sector deteriorates and drags the composite down as well. The service sector in Germany weakens over three months and the manufacturing sector in Japan does so too.

    On balance, over three months we're seeing improvements occur in the European Monetary Union, the aggregate index is up by 1.3 points, pushed strongly ahead by an improvement in manufacturing of 3.5 points, while services sector only creeps higher during this period rising by 0.5 points. The U.K. shows improvement on all gauged in each of the last three months – a power-house response and the strongest composite gain over three months in the table.

  • Something’s less rotten in Denmark Denmark's consumer confidence indicator to start the New Year improved to -8.4 in January from -13 in December. The net negatives still rule; however, the reading is less net negative in January than it was in December 2023. We start 2024 being grateful for small changes in the right direction.

    Looking at the averages, the Danish consumer confidence indicator over 12 months displays an average value of -14.2, over six months the average is -11.2, and over three months the average is -10.6. This is a clear progression toward improvement and even more striking when we look back at the previous 12 months, the older 12-month average was -24.2. In addition to that, when we look at the January 2024 reading compared to the three-month average, we see that progress is still in-train. Signs of progress proliferate but curb your enthusiasm, as there is a long way to go to expunge negativism.

    Monthly Survey Responses Survey respondents in January assess that the financial situation for the last 12 months was slightly worse than it had been in December; however, for the more important financial situation over the next 12 months, they see an improvement with the index rising to +4.9 from +1 in December. The general economy over the last 12 months was assessed to have improved to a -10 reading compared to -17.4 in December. The general economy reading as expected for the next 12 months moves up to -3.6 from -6.6 in December. The assessment of consumer prices over the last 12 months shows a weaker reading in January than in December; however, for the next 12 months there's some acceleration expected with the January reading at +2.8 compared to December at -2.5. Unemployment trends for the next 12 months are seen as improving: the response value of +10.7 in January is down from +13.9 in December.

    The perceived environment The Danish survey also gives us certain environmental factors that consumers assess. The favorability of time to purchase (now), for example, improved in January to -21.6 from -24.3 in December. The favorability of time to purchase in the next 12 months also improved to a -7.3 in January from -8.3 in December. The favorability of time to save at present worsens slightly in January compared to December; the favorability to save over the next 12 months also deteriorates. The general financial situation of households now is assessed as improved at +20.7 up from +18.5 in December, but that still leaves it below its November value of +23. And as we shall see below, ‘better’ is an improvement but does not necessarily make conditions ‘good.’

    Steady progress... The categories that are making steady progress to better levels are the financial situation over the last 12 months, the financial situation over the next 12 months, the general economy over the last 12 months, pressure on consumer prices over the next 12 months. There is also improvement in lowering expected unemployment trends, and the favorability of the time to purchase at present and the favorability of the time to purchase in the next 12 months (the latter, despite a monthly deterioration) both are carrying positive momentum. And the favorability of time to save at present has been trending higher as well. That’s a lot of ‘trending higher.’

    Still some key deterioration However, the general financial situation of households at present has been deteriorating steadily but slowly from 12-months to six-months, to three-months. Past consumer price inflation, similarly, had been weakening on that progression.

    Rankings for confidence metrics: where they stand We have to look at how the metrics have changed monthly, and how they are trending more broadly. Next, we look at where they stand in a queue of ranked values back to the mid-1990s. The far-right hand column sets the current consumer confidence indexes in a grid of rankings and data back to 1995. On that score, the only readings above a 50% mark which represents the median over this period, are consumer prices over the last 12 months and unemployment trends over the next 12 months. Fortunately, the unemployment trends are working to lowered expectations sequentially; however, despite that trend, the level of unemployment expectations (fears) is still nearly a top 25-percentile reading. Meanwhile, things like the general financial situation of households carries a ranking around its 5th percentile- overall an extremely weak ranking. The favorability of time to make purchases at present has a 9.1 percentile standing! The financial situation currently, as well as over the last 12 months, shows standings in the lower ten percentile range.

  • U.K. retail sales fell by 3.6% in December after rising 1.1% in November and rising modestly in October. The progression of nominal retail sales growth shows sales up by 0.5% over 12 months, falling at a 5.2% annual rate over six months and falling at a 9.3% annual rate over three months. On a sequential basis, retail sales have been falling at an accelerating pace. Over the sequential basis as well, The CPI-H in the U.K. rose 4.2% over 12 months, decelerated to a 2.2% annual rate over six months, and then crept higher by 0.9% at an annual rate over three months completing the deceleration cycle. Inflation gave sales a positive push over each of these horizons but a sequentially smaller push from 12-months, to six-months, to three-months.

    Sales volumes- Not surprisingly these conditions have led to weakness and declines in real retail sales, which we can also refer to as retail sales volume. Retail volumes fell by 3.3% in December, after rising by 1.5% in November, and falling by 0.1% in October. Sequentially, the progression of retail sales is weakening as retail volumes fell by 2.5% over 12 months, then fell at a 7.2% annual rate over six months, and then fell at a faster 7.7% annual rate over three months.

    Passenger car registrations- In addition to weakness in retail volumes, passenger car registrations have fallen in each of the last three months; sequentially, passenger car sales are getting much weaker. Passenger car registrations year-over-year are up by 9%, but over six months they're falling at a 2.8% annual rate, and over three months registrations are falling at a 21.4% annual rate. This is substantial and growing weakness in passenger car registrations implying also significant weakness in sales.

    U.K. retail surveys- In addition to these statistics on actual retail and car sales, we can look at a few the surveys on the U.K. economy. The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) metric for sales this time of year fell by 9 points in December, after falling six points in November, and falling 15 points in October. The CBI survey for the volume of orders year-over-year fell by 32 points in December after rising by 15 points in November and falling by 18 points in October. GfK consumer confidence survey rose by two points in December after rising 6 points in November and falling by 9 points in October.

    Sequential performance of surveys- Next we can track these survey metrics sequentially from 12-months to six-months to three-months. The CBI survey for retail sales for ‘time of year,’ essentially a seasonally adjusted concept, shows growing weakness. The survey drops 22 points over 12-months, logs a drop of 26 points over six months, and a drop of 30 points over three months. The CBI survey for the volume of orders, looking at the year-over-year changes, also shows persistent negative numbers with a decline of 33 points over 12 months, a decline of 44 points over six months, and then a substantial decline of 35 points over three months. The GfK confidence survey rises by 20 points over 12 months but then gains just two points over six months, and falls by one point over three months. The surveys reinforces the idea of sales being on a weakening trend and being currently under downward pressure.

    Quarter-to-date- These statistics are for December and complete the data for quarter; The quarter-to-date U.K. retail sales change fell by 0.9%, but sales volumes fell more sharply, at an annual rate of 3.5%. Passenger car registrations fell at an annual rate of 17.3%. The CBI survey for retail sales for the time of year is 15.3 points weaker than it was in the third quarter; the survey for the volume of orders year-over-year is weaker by 6 points than it was in the third quarter; the GfK consumer confidence index is unchanged on the quarter compared to the one quarter ago average.

    Percentile standings- As a final evaluation we can rank sales growth historically and on data back to 2002. When we do this, the ranking of the U.K. sales rate is in its lower 10th percentile; retail volume is also weak, in its lower 9.7 percentile, about the same relative standing as for nominal retail sales. Passenger car registrations year-over-year still carry a relatively high-ranking in their 77.8 percentile, but registrations are weakening sequentially, so this ranking is under downward pressure. The ranking the levels of the CBI surveys show retail sales for the time of year with the 17.1 percentile standing, CBI order volume growth year-over-year is at an anemic 1.6% standing, and the GfK consumer confidence index at a 30.4 percentile standing.

  • Industrial production in Japan fell by 1.3% in November; manufacturing alone also saw industrial production falling by 1.3% in November. For total industry, production is accelerating as 12-month growth is falling by 1.2%, but growth over six months rises at a 3.7% annual rate, and growth over three months rises at a 4.3% annual rate. For manufacturing, it's almost the same picture with output down by 1.3% over 12 months, but then the annual rate of expansion jumps to 5.6% over six months, but subsequently backtracks slightly to a 5.2% annual rate over three months. The picture from manufacturing is really the same for total industry except for some decimal points; it shows that manufacturing output goes from declining over 12 months to expanding at a strong pace over three months and six months.

    The strengthening trend in output is not reflected in each of the three main manufacturing sectors of consumer goods, intermediate goods, and investment goods. Consumer goods do show a general improvement. There is a rebound with growth of 1.8% over 12 months, jumping strongly to rise 15.7% at an annual rate over three months. But the in-between measure, over six months, has industrial production falling at a 4.7% annual rate. Still, the bottom line for consumer goods output is that output has accelerated over three months compared to 12 months. For intermediate goods, there's an accelerating progression as growth falls by 0.8% over 12 months, advances at a 5.2% annual rate over six months, and then accelerates further to a 6% annual rate over three months. Investment goods go in the opposite direction. The sector does not quite stand up to become a sequential deceleration, but it's close to that with output falling by 5.4% over 12 months, then output falls, at a very elevated -15.9% annual rate over six months, then the decline slows but it is still a decline in double digits at a -11.7% at an annual rate over three months. All of this helps to confuse the true trend for industrial production in Japan. Investment goods seem to be suffering from the global growth malaise.

    The chart at the top shows that if we plot growth rates for Japan of 12-months, six-months, and three-months, over the past six months or so, output on most of these gauges has been consistently declining or weakening. That chart concentrates on comparing three-month growth to three-month growth, six-month growth to six-month growth and 12-month growth to 12-month growth. The growth rates connect the dots (literally) along the same growth horizons treating them as time-series rather than jumping between these tenors to compare three-months to six-months to 12-months. The time-series graphic presentation of the growth data makes developing trends seem weaker than they appear in the table that compares growth across tenors.

    In the quarter to date (QTD), there has been strong revival for overall industrial production that is growing at a 7.5% annual rate two months into the fourth quarter; manufacturing is growing at an 8.2% annual rate QTD. Consumer goods output two months into this quarter is growing at an 18.4% annual rate with their intermediate goods growing at an 8.2% annual rate; investment goods output is contracting at a 6.8% annual rate.

    Industrial production in Japan has been struggling after COVID struck. The far-right hand column calculates aggregate growth from today's index to the index that prevailed in January 2020; for all the industry and sector measures in the table, output is lower than it was in January 2020 except for the utilities, electric and gas. That is net lower output over a period of nearly three years for most industries and sectors.

  • The ZEW economic situation in January 2024 improved in the euro area and in the United States as it deteriorated in Germany. Two of the three metrics retain large negative readings and all three remained very weak in their respective historic queue of data.

    The euro area economic situation improved from -62.7 in December to -59.3 in January. The U.S. situation improved from +7.8 in December to a stronger +15.3 in January, while Germany slipped from -77.1 in December to marginally weaker -77.3 this month. The U.S. current situation is the best of the lot, but still below its historic median with a ranking at its 42.2 percentile, below its median which occurs at a percentile ranking of 50. The euro area has a ranking in its 25.9 percentile and Germany has a ranking in its 14-percentile.