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Robert Brusca

Robert A. Brusca is Chief Economist of Fact and Opinion Economics, a consulting firm he founded in Manhattan. He has been an economist on Wall Street for over 25 years. He has visited central banking and large institutional clients in over 30 countries in his career as an economist. Mr. Brusca was a Divisional Research Chief at the Federal Reserve Bank of NY (Chief of the International Financial markets Division), a Fed Watcher at Irving Trust and Chief Economist at Nikko Securities International. He is widely quoted and appears in various media.   Mr. Brusca holds an MA and Ph.D. in economics from Michigan State University and a BA in Economics from the University of Michigan. His research pursues his strong interests in non aligned policy economics as well as international economics. FAO Economics’ research targets investors to assist them in making better investment decisions in stocks, bonds and in a variety of international assets. The company does not manage money and has no conflicts in giving economic advice.

Publications by Robert Brusca

  • Unemployment in the European Monetary Union (EMU) continues to hug all-time lows at 6.2%. In the EU, the unemployment rate is at 5.8% in January, also an all-time low for that reading.

    On a year-over-year basis, trends for unemployment are mixed, falling in six of the 12 monetary union countries in the table and rising for six others. However, because of country size differences, the EMU shows that the unemployment rate falls by three-tenths of a percentage point over 12 months as does the rate for the EU.

    What is remarkable about these statistics is that we are looking at very tight and well performing labor markets, even though the European economy has not been doing particularly well- even with war on its doorstep and with the manufacturing sector performing particularly poorly for a long stretch of time. The local service sectors have carried the monetary union and for the most part its member countries to sustained strong economic conditions as far as the labor market is concerned.

    However, as we can tell from recent elections in Europe and in the United States, there's been a great deal of disappointment and disillusionment about economic performance. Unemployment rates may be low, and may have remained low; however, economic conditions generally are not that favorable. People are not that happy and, despite the low rates of unemployment, both Europe and the United States have been battling sustained above-target rates of inflation.

    Are we learning that consumers hate inflation more than we thought? The other thing that is strange about this period is that inflation has been overshooting for a long time. It's closer to being in its range in Europe than it is in the U.S. (45-continuous months of missing its target). However, both the U.S. and Europe have had a very long period of time when their target either has not been met (as in the U.S.) or has been only sporadically met (EMU) and still has inflation regarded as being excessive. Central banks have not taken the steps to control inflation even though labor market performance is excellent by historic standards. And while central banks have bent over backwards in this respect, generally consumers are not particularly swayed by the excellence of the conditions created by these policies.

    Central banks chose to let inflation run hot Central banks’ choice to pursue some sort of soft-landing and avoid recession has not been particularly popular with people although they have remained for the most part fully employed. In fact, the overshooting of inflation seems to have created a great deal of unrest despite conditions of ongoing full employment both in the United States and across Europe. This will be something that economists are going to have to look at because there's nothing about this reaction that is obvious that people should naturally react this way to this kind of economic performance. One might expect that people would be happy to have full employment and although the inflation overshoot was horrific for a period of time it has since come under ‘better’ control and isn't as particularly as high as it once was; although it's also true that because of inflation being what it was, we have a situation in which prices are still quite high. High inflation can be cooled but it generally leaves higher prices in its wake, even once it is stamped out for good. And inflation is not yet stamped out for good. Economist stress that inflation has been largely tamed but… are they forgetting that consumers pay those still high prices, not just the inflation rate?

    Sequential and monthly inflation changes point lower Sequentially among the 12 EMU countries in the table, six of them show unemployment declines over 12 months and six others show increases. Six of them show unemployment declines over six months while five show increases. Over three months, five of them show unemployment declines while three of them show increases. In terms of the monthly data, in November there are four countries reporting month-to-month declines compared to two reporting increases; in December five countries report month-to-month declines with five others reporting month-to-month increases. In January, the split is six reported inflation declines to four reported month-to-month increases.

    Trend to lower unemployment rates cut across country size Generally, there are more unemployment rate declines being reported than increases being reported across countries; that is supported by and consistent with the aggregate data for the monetary union that shows the unemployment rate has fallen over the last year. However, the further meaning of the country level data is that the trend for the monetary union is broad, and it's not being dominated by the large countries; the small countries are not being left out of the improving process. Over the last three months, Greece and Spain are the only countries showing declines in the unemployment rate in each month. Over the broader period, looking at changes over 12 months, six months and three months, there are consistent declines in unemployment being reported in Portugal, Greece, Ireland, and Spain. There are consistent increases the unemployment rate being reported in the Netherlands. However, there also are countries with strings of increases mixed with unchanged unemployment rates reported over these three periods: Belgium, Germany, Finland, and Luxembourg.

    Very little evidence of unemployment stress Among monetary union members, only three countries Luxembourg, Finland, and Austria have unemployment rates above their respective median rates that they have recorded on data since 1994. For those three countries Finland and Austria report unemployment rates above their median by a small amount by 0.4 percentage points for Austria and 0.4 percentage points for Finland. Only Luxembourg has a ‘substantial’ unemployment rate overshoot with the current unemployment rate at 6.4% compared to a median of 4.8%.

  • Among these 18 countries and regions reporting manufacturing information in February, 12 of them show month-to-month improvement. Ten showed improvement over three months compared to six months while only three have improved over six months compared to 12 months. Eight of eighteen showed improvement over 12 months compared to 12-months ago.

    The median manufacturing PMI reading for February is 49.5, just below the level of 50 that marks the level where manufacturing is considered unchanged. The average over 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months all are below the 50-mark. However, the median reading in the table marked with percent sign (%) measures the percentage of the raw PMI diffusion readings that are improving period-to-period. All are above the 50% mark, showing that there are more reporters showing improvement period-to-period than showing weakness. However, the percentage improvement does not reflect the value of the underlaying PMI index or if it is above or below its break-even value; it only shows relative improvement.

    In that sense, there are some mixed signals in this report. Conditions are slowly improving, but they still show a tendency for output to fall.

    The table also looks at a broad assessment by ranking the level of the diffusion reading this month across all countries on a timeline back to January 2021. On this basis, 9 of 18 are below the 50% mark. This metric identifies the median of the series since January 2021. The median of the rank standing is at the 49-percentile mark, just below 50%, which marks the median of group for the entire period.

    None of this is really good news for manufacturing globally. But it is an absence of really bad news and contains news that conditions are worsening. Improvement is more common than worsening. So that is something. It is a back door to better times ahead but again it is true that manufacturing has been weak for quite a long time. In the last 31 months, the median for the group has been above the ‘50’ mark only twice in June and July of 2024. However, over the last eight months the diffusion median has been at a reading of 49-point ‘something.’ The manufacturing median has been on cusp of moving to signal expansion. But manufacturing in the global economy has not been able to go over the hurdle despite as close as it has come. We remain dwellers on the threshold…of expansion. Still not quite there yet.

  • French inflation trends alone among the largest four EMU economies is showing a break lower. Twelve-month inflation across the EMU is however quite mixed with Germany and Spain knocking on the door of 3% inflation while France is below 1% and Italy is below 2%.

    And the divergences diverge further from there...

    German inflation rises from 2.8% over 12 months to a 3.3% pace over six months to 4.1% over three months – a classic ongoing acceleration. Spain’s 12-month pace of 2.9% also steps up to 4.5% annualized over six months then explodes to 5.7% over three months. The accelerations are not good for central bank trying to hit a 2% inflation goal.

    But the accelerations are counterbalanced by some moderation and even weakness. French inflation decelerates steadily, and prices actually decline over six months and three months. For Italy, the 12-month pace of 1.7%, steps back to 1.3% over six months, then rises back to a 3% annual rate over three months.

    Even so, the best news is from Italy and Spain on the measure of core inflation. Each of them reports a steady menu of inflation rates over 12 months, six months, and three months below 2% and decelerating. This is notable because both Italy and Spain have badly behaving headline inflation trends.

    However, energy prices are moving up, too, over the last three months as well as sequentially.

    While inflation is still far from well-behaved, it may still be slowing. Signs of conforming Italian and Spanish core results are the most encouraging news. Still, over the past five years, inflation has averaged 3.2% in France and 4.4% in Germany, with Italy and Spain seeing inflation at the 3.7% to 3.8% mark. Core inflation over five years, however, has been lower and closer to the 2% goal at 2.5% in France, 2.8% in Italy, 3.2% in Spain, and 3.6% in Germany. Still, it’s not there but it is closer.

  • Money event overview- Global money supply shows money supply in major money center countries is expanding. Money supply deflated for the impact of inflation is weaker and mixed contracting in Japan and in the United Kingdom along with credit in the EMU while real balances for the EMU and in the United States log positive growth is year-over-year in January. Inflation globally is over-target in the money center countries and areas where inflation of 2% is targeted.

    The chart shows that money supply growth is steadily improving in nominal terms across countries, with the exception of Japan where M2-plus CD growth is gradually in a state of ongoing slowdown.

    EMU In the European Monetary Union, nominal money growth has stepped up from 1.7% over three years, slowed to 1% over two years and accelerated to 3.3% over one year. Private credit growth has fallen from a 2.1% annual rate over three years, to 0.9% over two years and picked up to 2.1%, again, over one year. Real money balance growth in the EMU has progressed from -2.8% annual rate over three years to a -1.6% pace over two years to +0.8% over the last 12 months. Similarly, real credit to private residents has improved steadily but is still contracting by 0.4% over 12 months.

    U.S., U.K., and Japan U.S. nominal money growth is gradually improving from an average of zero over three years to a pace of 3.9% over 12 months. Real balance growth in the U.S. also improves steadily from -4% over three years to +0.8% over 12 months. U.K. nominal money growth improves from 1.0% over three years to a pace of 2.7% over 12 months. U.K. real balances show monetary shrinkage, but the shrinkage is steadily lessening from -4.3% over three years to a pace of -0.8% over 12 months. Japan’s nominal monthly growth shows little variation, but it does gradually slow from 2.2% over three years to 1.3% over 12 months. Japanese real balance growth rates all are negative at -1.3% over three years, at -1.2% over two years and at a weaker -2.7% over 12 months. Japan’s inflation has recently picked up and after wondering if its inflation was real following a decade of deflation flirtation, Japan now has over-the-top inflation to deal with.

  • This month in my presentation of the German GfK consumer climate index, I extend the chart back historically to make a point about German climate and how strong and steady it used to be compared to what it has become. The components of economic expectations, income expectations, continue to fluctuate about the same as in the past; however, the propensity to buy is more variable and the climate gauge itself is decidedly weaker and more variable than it used to be when Germany was the ironclad economy of Europe something that it can claim to be no more.

    Post Covid vs. Pre-Covid (and Post Ukraine Invasion) Also, since Covid, the correlation of the economic situation to Climate has gotten slightly stronger perhaps suggesting that the German social welfare system has been under pressure since economics assessments are more strongly correlated with economic conditions post-Covid. And Income and Economic expectations are much more highly correlated. There is a weakening connection between the propensity to buy and economic conditions post-Covid and a weakened link between the propensity to buy and income expectations. The reduced link between income and spending suggests a more cautious public and higher savings as does the weakened link to income. The latter may reflect more social welfare dependency. Overall, the correlation between the components and the Climate gauge are still relatively the same before and after Covid, with only economic expectations showing a slightly tighter correlation.

    Pre-Covid/Post-Covid Averages The average readings (pre-2020), of course, are all lower post-Covid than pre-Covid. Because some average readings are positive, and others negative, it is difficult to look at the change or ratio of the average after vs. before, as a gauge for comparison. Instead, I have calculated each average, pre-Covid and post-Covid and ranked each of them as if they were observations in the full sample of historic observations. Put that way the average post-Covid Climate reading is 36 ranking positions lower than it was pre-Covid. That is a drop in ranking positions of about 13%. The economy and buying climates are each lower by 22 places. But the post-Covid income average reading falls a very sharp 63 places on the ranking gauge. Income expectations have been hit very hard in the post-Covid period more so that economic assessments or spending propensity.

    Current Results In March, the German climate gauge from GfK has slipped from -22.6 to -24.7. It is at an 8.2 percentile standing in its historic queue of data, making the March reading weaker than this only about 8% of the time. In contrast, the components which are up to date through February show an improvement in economic expectations from January to February and a slip in income expectations from -1.1 to -5.4. There's also a slip in the propensity to buy from -8.4 to -11.1. These components have standings and their historic queues of data at the 39th percentile for economic expectations, nearly the 25th percentile for income expectations and about the 29th percentile for the propensity to buy. The median for these gauges would occur at their 50th percentile so all of them are significantly below their historic medians on data back to January 2002.

    The German economy is not only weak, but it's been weakening again on a mild gradient after having shown some tendency to stabilize and even to improve. Political instability has married economic weakness throughout Europe and recent German elections now put the country in a position perhaps to deal with some of its issues if the new government is able.

    Other Europe The table also presents consumer confidence statistics for Italy, France, and the United Kingdom. French and U.K. statistics are up to date through February; Italian statistics are up to date through January. Each of these readings shows some recent improvement. For Italy and France, the improvement is more ongoing whereas for the U.K. the improvement is very short term as the February reading is lower than readings for November and December; February in the U.K. constitutes an improvement only from January.

    The queue percentile standings (or count percentile standings) for Italy, France, and the U.K. have those metrics at the 79th percentile for Italy, the 39th percentile for France, and the 29th percentile for the U.K. These percentile standings are quite similar to the standings for the components of the GfK index but certainly nothing is as weak as the GfK climate headline for Germany. And that has been the case for some time. Italy is an exception to everything showing above-median and relatively strong readings for consumer confidence at the 79th percentile level.

  • Distributive trades retailing Sales- The U.K. distributive trades survey for retailing in February produced another sequence of weak results. Sales compared to a year ago improved incrementally in February; orders compared to a year ago improved to a -38 reading compared to -43 in January. Each of these is an improvement but it's a small improvement and correspond to a weak overall reading. Sales for the time of year weakened further, however, to -34 in February from -24 in January. The percentile standings for these metrics put sales compared to a year ago at a 12.7 percentile standing, orders compared to a year ago with a 7.4 percentile standing, and sales for the time of year at a 9.5 percentile standing. All of these are extremely weak readings regardless of whether they get slightly better or worse month-to-month.

    Expectations- The expectations for March are still very weak in terms of ranking and generally weakened month-to-month. Sales expectations compared to a year ago in March weakened to -30 compared to -26 in February; orders for the time of year weakened to -47, a sharp drop, from -25 in February; sales for the time of year improved slightly to -27 from -31 in February. The rankings on these three metrics are displayed on the table - they all stand below their 10th percentile.

    Distributive trades wholesaling Sales- The distributive trade readings for wholesaling are slightly more optimistic than for retailing. The rankings are still weak; while numerically stronger than for retail sales, they are not really demonstrably stronger, at least, in economic terms month-to-month distributive trades show sales compared to a year ago at -19 in February, an improvement from -30 in January. Orders for the year ago improved to -30 in February from -33 in January while sales for the time of year improved to -29 a small improvement from -31 in January. The percentile standings for these readings are in their lower 16th percentile or lower.

    Expectations- Moving to expected sales for wholesaling, the March numbers improved to -14 compared to a year ago, that matched up to -28 in February. Order expectations compared to a year ago improved to -21 in March relative to -30 in February. Sales for the time of year logged -23 reading, a sharp improvement from -35 in February. The rank standings for these have sales and orders compared to a year ago at or close to their 20th percentile while sales for the time of year have a standing below their 10th percentile. These are stronger readings than for expectations for retailing; however, they're still extremely weak. The 20th percentile is really not significantly better in economic terms than being in the 10th percentile.

    Summing up For all the distributive trades, survey results remain weak with mixed performance month-to-month in the retailing and wholesaling sectors. The U.K. economy continues to struggle and the survey this month doesn't do anything to increase confidence about economic performance.

  • The IFO index in February produced improvements for all environmental assessments: climate, current conditions, and expectations. Conditions in Germany improved even if only slightly across all four of five industry groups- all except services. Improving were manufacturing, construction, wholesale, and retail. Each improved for climate, for current conditions, and for expectations. However, in each case conditions worsened for services climate saw its services diffusion reading fall to -4.3 in February from -2.2 in January, current conditions saw the services current conditions reading fall to 10 from 13.9, and expectations saw the services expectations conditions reading fall to -17.7 from -17.

    It's unusual to see something like this happen, especially with two dedicated readings for services subsectors, wholesaling and for retailing, improving in each of the three categories of climate, current conditions, and expectations. However, conditions have been weak in Germany for quite a long time and the services sector has been the only sector with positive current conditions readings for some time; it may be that after all this pulling that the services sector has done, it has run out of gas and now the pulling in the opposite direction by manufacturing, construction, wholesaling, and retailing is taking its toll on services.

    The rankings continue to produce low readings and although the diffusion readings for services are the highest in each category services, looked at on a percentile standing basis on data back the late-1991, reveals the sector to have the weakest climate ranking; It has the 2nd weakest current conditions ranking, and it has the weakest expectations ranking among all industry groups.

    As always, it's hard to tell how this is going to play out. Manufacturing tends to be the cutting edge; it is the sector with volatility that tends to move down the soonest when the economy is weakening and move up the fastest when the economy is strengthening. But, right now, there's not a whole lot of trend going on for any of the sectors. The chart at the top shows that there has been stability for most of the sectors with the exception of services where the chart plots a gradual erosion in progress.

    Among the IFO reading, the only reading that stands above its median reading on data back to 1991 is the construction sector with a 59.5 percentile standing for current conditions. Any reading above the 50th percentile is above its median. Retailing is one of the sectors that comes close to doing this, also for current conditions, with a reading at its 48.2 percentile, closing in on that neutral 50% mark.

    Conditions in Germany remain touch and go; there remains political stability in the country where national elections are pending. In the euro area, there has been a lot of political reversals for long entrenched national parties. Europe displays a good deal of uncertainty particularly regarding recent U.S. policies that have pressured Europe over some of its past conduct and where a new system of support for Ukraine is in the offing. The times they are a changin.’

  • PMI gauges for the European Monetary Union show that the manufacturing sector that has been very weak is gaining some strength while the services sector that has generally had higher PMI values is eroding- it, in fact, has weakened for two months in a row. The aggregate statistics are now showing relatively weak standings for both manufacturing and services. Comparing the reporting units in the table, we see that among the eight reporters four of them have stronger queue percentile standings for manufacturing and four of them have relatively stronger queue percentile standings for services. The unweighted average of these shows the manufacturing average at a 40.8 percentile standing with services at a 42.1 percentile standing. Both of them were standings below the 50% mark meaning that for both of them performances below their median performance for the last four-plus years.

    Monthly patterns The monthly data show, again I'm looking at the unweighted average of the eight-reporters in the table, that the composite reading has only very gradually deteriorated from 51.5 in December, to 51.4 in January, to 51.2 in February. This is a lot more like stasis than it is like weakening. The data showed that manufacturing has been creeping higher from a diffusion rating of 47.6 on an unweighted basis in December to 49.1 in January and 49.2 in February that contrast with services. For the December reading, services log a reading of 52.8, that gives way to 52.0 in January, and to 51.7 in February. Manufacturing is firming and services are easing although in percentile standing terms there's very little difference between the relative standings of the two sectors; however in diffusion terms services continue to be the sector above 50 which means that activity is expanding in services where manufacturing is closing in on 50 but doing it from below, indicating that the manufacturing sector is still contracting but contracting and ever slower pace. And, of course, the services sector is the job creating sector.

    The beat goes on…faint as it is None of these observations are particularly encouraging or particularly depressing except that there has generally been economic underperformance and as far as that's concerned the beat goes on. There is fairly broad improvement going on in Australia, Japan, and Germany, but otherwise conditions are quite mixed on a monthly basis.

  • The Belgian National Bank index for January remained negative, at a -13.6 reading, close to its December value of -13.8. The manufacturing index in January improved to -19 from -19.9 in December, still substantially weaker than its -16.7 value in November.

    Over three months the Belgian index is down by 0.8 points; over six months it's down by 1.3 points; however, over 12 months it's rising by 2.8 points.

    The result for manufacturing is similar to the headline; the three-month change of -0.7, a six-month change of -4.1 and a 12-month change of +3.0.

    Despite the increases in the survey over 12 months which are more frequent than the decline to cross the various components, the three-month changes are largely negative and of course the readings for January are broadly negative.

    For manufacturing, the production trend in January deteriorated sharply to -14 from -7 in December, compared to +8 in November. Despite this recent deterioration, the index shows a 5-point increase over 12 months but then the 13-point decline over six months and a 13-point decline over three months.

    Orders are not reassuring The domestic order trend has become volatile and volatile amid weaker numbers with a reading of -11 in January; that's an improvement from -21 in December but also a sharp deterioration from -1 in November. However, the sequential change data complicate the picture a great deal with the domestic order trend up by 5 points over 12 months, up by 9 points over six months, but then up by only 6 points over the three months. Foreign orders show deterioration monthly from a +7 in November to -23 in December and another -23 reading in January. The sequential changes, however, are negative with a 6-point drop over 12 months, a 19-point drop over six months, and a 6-point drop on balance over three months. Despite all negative readings on a diffusion basis in January and December, domestic orders show sequential advancing while foreign orders show sequential deterioration. But the queue standing all are weak as we shall see.

    Prices Price trends became more deeply negative monthly. In January, the reading was -7, compared to -3 in December and -3 in November. Sequentially price trends are becoming more negative with a 2-point drop over 12 months, an 8-point drop over six months, and an 8-point drop over three months.

    Industry overall The current assessment in the survey has deteriorated slightly in the last three months but for neither total orders nor foreign orders has there been very much change. At -39 in January total orders are 2-points weaker than they were in November and at -48 foreign orders are 4-points weaker than they were in November. Looking at the sequential changes, total orders are up by 6 points over 12 months, down by 2 points over six months and up by 4 points over three months. Foreign orders are lower on all horizons: lower by 3 points over 12 months, lower by 15 points over six months and lower by 2 points over three months.

    Other sectors Assessments of other sectors, wholesaling & retailing, construction, and business services show net negative numbers for January, December, and November except for business services that post positive numbers but positive numbers that are losing momentum from November to January. Sequentially wholesale & retailing show an improvement over 12 months of 0.5 points but a decline of 12.8 points over three months. Construction shows improvement in all horizons; a gain of 8.3 points over 12 months, underpinned by a 4.1-point increase over three months. Business services show a decline over 12 months of 2.6 points and a decline of 1.8 points over three months.

    Rank standings of January diffusion readings The rank standings of the diffusion values for January show weak numbers up and down the line; every single category is below its 50th percentile, putting all of them below their median readings over data back to September 1997. The strongest reading is for the construction sector at 41.9%. The second strongest is for business services at 31.5%. Wholesaling & retailing have an 11.6-percentile standing, with the total industry at 10.9% and manufacturing at a 7.9 percentile standing. The Belgian survey continues to be weak across all categories and the momentum is mixed to the negative side. This is not a reassuring report. What’s worse is that it looks like it's a reasonably good bellwether for what goes on in Germany and in the European Monetary Union. The January report for Belgium is a month ahead of those two surveys and it does not portend better readings for them.

  • Inflation adjusted German orders rose by 6.9% in December after falling by 5.2% in November. Foreign orders rose by 1.4% in December after a November plummet of 10.3% (a drop at a 72.9% annualized rate). Domestic orders jumped in December, rising by 14.6% (w/ another extremely sizeable, annualized rate if placed on an annualized basis). This followed a 3.5% increase in November.

    The bright side is that German domestic orders have been rising for two months in a row by a sizeable amount. They are growing at a 61.4% annualized rate over three months and showing building momentum and acceleration from 12-months to 6-months to 3-months. Foreign orders are more erratic; they fall by 11.4% over 12 months as well as at a 29.6% annual rate over three months- but they also rise over six months. So, the direction for Germany orders overall is unclear, but there is now clear strength in domestic orders and more hopeful forces in play for orders overall than we have seen for some time. In the just completed quarter, domestic orders rise at a 134.8% annual rate over Q3 while foreign orders fall at a 29.1% annual rate compared to Q3.

    Real sector sales decline overall and for all of manufacturing. There are increases in sales for consumer goods and intermediate goods that rate dominated by a decline in capital goods real sales over three months. Sequentially total and manufacturing real sales both show weakening, declining a sign of progress, albeit not very aggressive progress. Still, it is something. Capital goods sales have stopped decelerating. Consumer goods sales are on an accelerating path with sales up at a 10.3% annual rate over three months. Intermediate goods sales are progressing from small declines over 12 months and six months to logging an increase over three months.

    Both manufacturing sales and orders show signs of turning around although there have not been any such signs from other reports. The recent ZEW survey for February showed improved macro expectations in Germany and less weakness in the economic situation. By sector, profits showed improvement in construction and in services but not much in manufacturing industries. PMI data from S&P have not tipped any clear improvement in German manufacturing while services continue to plug along mostly showing growth but not a whole lot of it.

  • Improved macro outlook The ZEW financial experts in February see improved conditions in Germany, perhaps just in time to affect the German elections that are due. Macro-expectations for Germany in February moved up to 26.0 from 10.3 in January while U.S. expectations backtracked to 1.3 in February from 9 in January. German expectations have 54.8 percentile queue standing on data since since 1992; the standing for the United States reading on the same timeline is 50.4%. The macroeconomic expectations for the U.S. and for Germany are very different in terms of diffusion readings in February; however, their percentile standings are surprisingly similar. The diffusion reading is a raw better minus worse reading while the percentile reading ranks the current value against an historic queue of observations. The lesser expansionary reading for the U.S. compares historically about as favorably to past data as does the comparisons of the stronger German diffusion reading to its past data.

    Current situation still floundering However, the economic situation continues to be very different in Europe and in the United States. The readings for the euro area, Germany, and the United States all improved in February, but by small amounts. For the euro area, there's an improvement to -45.3 in February from -53.8 in January. For Germany, the improvement is to -88.5 in February from -90.4 in December. In the U.S., it's another small improvement but from 40.1 in January to 42.6 in February. U.S. is logging substantial positive reading, compared to quite deeply negative diffusion readings in the euro area and in Germany. This is made clear by looking at the queue percentile standings for the EMU for February; it is at its 35th percentile, the standing for Germany is at its 6th percentile, and the standing for the United States is at its 62.5 percentile – a world of difference there.

    Inflation expectations Inflation expectations are mixed in February, but the euro area in Germany shows weak inflation readings and some tendency for expectations to see inflation even weaker. In the U.S., the inflation readings are positive in diffusion terms and much closer to normal levels. The queue percentile standings for the euro area are around the 20th percentile; the same is true of Germany at its 21st percentile. For the U.S., there is a 54th percentile standing above its historic median- a world of difference in the standings.

    Interest rate expectations These differences play out across interest rate expectations as well, but not quite as strongly. The diffusion readings for short-term interest rate expectations find more deeply negative readings in the euro area, -83.2 in February, compared to its -76.2 in January. These readings compare to the U.S. in February at a -27.2 reading, a substantially less negative result than the -39 reading in January. U.S. readings have been progressing more rapidly toward zero as the December reading for the U.S. was set at -71.6. Even so, the queue standing for the U.S. reading was a 16.4 percentile standing for short-term interest rates. The queue standing for the euro area is at a 2.7 percentile standing. Despite the great difference in the diffusion readings, the queue percentile standings for each of them are basically readings in the same extremely weak region. Long-term rate expectations show Germany with a -2 diffusion value in February compared to -7.8 in January; for the U.S., the February reading moved up to 18.7 from 7.3 in January. The German negative numbers are moving up, toward zero, while the U.S. positive numbers are getting higher, so both Germany and the U.S. see long-rate expectations moving in the same direction. The German queue standing for its rate expectation in February is an 11-percentile standing while the U.S. queue standing at a 26-percentile standing is higher, but both of them are relatively weak standings, both of them well below their historic medians.

    Stock markets Stock market expectations are weak across the board with the euro area queue standing at 1.3%, exceptionally weak. The German queue standing manages to get below that at 0.5%. U.S. stock market standings are better on a ranking basis but still not very good at the 20.8 percentile standing; they're well below the 50th percentile which marks their median. However, the diffusion reading in U.S. stocks is positive at 12.1; for Germany it's -4.7 and for the euro area it's -0.8; all of these reflect relatively sharp deteriorations from levels in January or December.

  • OK…the earth is not flat. No one is falling off ‘the edge.’ But the decline in Italian IP across sectors is abrupt and the fall is sharp as though it has fallen into some sort of abyss. The chart is very telling. The table is too. The table is ‘coded’ with negative values in red except for ranking data where values are red when they are below their respective medians (below 50%). Among 45 categories in the IP portion of the table, only four are positive! In the lower portion of the table, the indicators and their standings show 27 observations of which four are not negative and among those four, three are zero. None of this is reassuring. Italy is experiencing some sudden broad weakness after having shown a good degree of resiliency. Manufacturing IP as well as two of its three main sectors – as well as transportation- show ongoing decelerating trends.

    There is little here to equivocate on. Everything is weak and most categories are showing sequential worsening. Quarter-to-date growth rates for IP or changes in the indicators are negative everywhere except for manufacturing IP. Compared to the January 2020 level of IP categories or of survey values, all observations are weaker than their levels of five years ago. That is almost breath-taking. That’s half a decade.

    Ranking data are largely at or below their 25th ranking percentile. Six of the eight categories show rank percentile standings below their 15th percentile.

    Outlook/assessment Much of Italy’s weakness is new. Since January 2020, IP is lower by 10%, but over the last 12 months it is down by 8.4% - that is the bulk of that net drop. Transportation output is down by 13.7% since January 2020 and by 19.4% over the last 12 months. Indicators show the EU index for the industrial sector in Italy lower by 4 points from January 2020 and down by 1.7 point over 12 months. Italy’s ISTAT index has fallen 5 points over 12 months and the bulk of its 6-point drop since January 2020. The ISTAT outlook for production is down by 2 points over 12 months and lower by 7 points since January 2020. On balance, Italy’s industrial sector is looking extremely weak. It seems to be under new and severe downward pressures. At a time of global weakness and ongoing manufacturing weakness, this remains a sector to watch closely.