- Confidence weakens to lowest level since last June.
- Expectations reading falls sharply for third straight month; present situation reading weakens.
- Inflation and interest rate expectations strengthen.
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
- USA| Feb 25 2025
U.S. FHFA House Prices Continue a String of Gains in December
- FHFA HPI +0.4% m/m (+4.7% y/y) in Dec.; +0.4% m/m (+4.5% y/y) in Nov.
- House prices rise m/m in seven of nine census divisions but ease 0.1% m/m in West North Central and West South Central.
- House prices up y/y in all of the nine regions, w/ the highest rate in New England (7.8%).
- House price growth accelerates to 1.4% q/q (+4.5% y/y) in Q4'24 from 0.9% q/q (+4.5% y/y) in Q3'24.
- USA| Feb 25 2025
U.S. Energy Prices Are Mixed in Latest Week
- Gasoline prices dip, reversing previous week’s increase.
- Crude oil prices are little changed.
- Natural gas prices continue to strengthen.
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
- United Kingdom| Feb 25 2025
U.K. Distributive Trade- A Still-Weak February
Distributive trades retailing Sales- The U.K. distributive trades survey for retailing in February produced another sequence of weak results. Sales compared to a year ago improved incrementally in February; orders compared to a year ago improved to a -38 reading compared to -43 in January. Each of these is an improvement but it's a small improvement and correspond to a weak overall reading. Sales for the time of year weakened further, however, to -34 in February from -24 in January. The percentile standings for these metrics put sales compared to a year ago at a 12.7 percentile standing, orders compared to a year ago with a 7.4 percentile standing, and sales for the time of year at a 9.5 percentile standing. All of these are extremely weak readings regardless of whether they get slightly better or worse month-to-month.
Expectations- The expectations for March are still very weak in terms of ranking and generally weakened month-to-month. Sales expectations compared to a year ago in March weakened to -30 compared to -26 in February; orders for the time of year weakened to -47, a sharp drop, from -25 in February; sales for the time of year improved slightly to -27 from -31 in February. The rankings on these three metrics are displayed on the table - they all stand below their 10th percentile.
Distributive trades wholesaling Sales- The distributive trade readings for wholesaling are slightly more optimistic than for retailing. The rankings are still weak; while numerically stronger than for retail sales, they are not really demonstrably stronger, at least, in economic terms month-to-month distributive trades show sales compared to a year ago at -19 in February, an improvement from -30 in January. Orders for the year ago improved to -30 in February from -33 in January while sales for the time of year improved to -29 a small improvement from -31 in January. The percentile standings for these readings are in their lower 16th percentile or lower.
Expectations- Moving to expected sales for wholesaling, the March numbers improved to -14 compared to a year ago, that matched up to -28 in February. Order expectations compared to a year ago improved to -21 in March relative to -30 in February. Sales for the time of year logged -23 reading, a sharp improvement from -35 in February. The rank standings for these have sales and orders compared to a year ago at or close to their 20th percentile while sales for the time of year have a standing below their 10th percentile. These are stronger readings than for expectations for retailing; however, they're still extremely weak. The 20th percentile is really not significantly better in economic terms than being in the 10th percentile.
Summing up For all the distributive trades, survey results remain weak with mixed performance month-to-month in the retailing and wholesaling sectors. The U.K. economy continues to struggle and the survey this month doesn't do anything to increase confidence about economic performance.
- General business activity index falls to lowest point in six months.
- Production, new orders & employment weaken.
- Price reading surges but wages & benefits index falls.
- Future business index falls to nine-month low.
by:Tom Moeller
|in:Economy in Brief
- CFNAI -0.03 in January vs. +0.18 in December.
- Two of four CFNAI components fall m/m and one makes a negative contribution.
- CFNAI-MA3 improves to +0.03, the highest since Oct. ’22; well above -0.70 (recession signal).
- Germany| Feb 24 2025
IFO Makes Slight Improvement Except for Services
The IFO index in February produced improvements for all environmental assessments: climate, current conditions, and expectations. Conditions in Germany improved even if only slightly across all four of five industry groups- all except services. Improving were manufacturing, construction, wholesale, and retail. Each improved for climate, for current conditions, and for expectations. However, in each case conditions worsened for services climate saw its services diffusion reading fall to -4.3 in February from -2.2 in January, current conditions saw the services current conditions reading fall to 10 from 13.9, and expectations saw the services expectations conditions reading fall to -17.7 from -17.
It's unusual to see something like this happen, especially with two dedicated readings for services subsectors, wholesaling and for retailing, improving in each of the three categories of climate, current conditions, and expectations. However, conditions have been weak in Germany for quite a long time and the services sector has been the only sector with positive current conditions readings for some time; it may be that after all this pulling that the services sector has done, it has run out of gas and now the pulling in the opposite direction by manufacturing, construction, wholesaling, and retailing is taking its toll on services.
The rankings continue to produce low readings and although the diffusion readings for services are the highest in each category services, looked at on a percentile standing basis on data back the late-1991, reveals the sector to have the weakest climate ranking; It has the 2nd weakest current conditions ranking, and it has the weakest expectations ranking among all industry groups.
As always, it's hard to tell how this is going to play out. Manufacturing tends to be the cutting edge; it is the sector with volatility that tends to move down the soonest when the economy is weakening and move up the fastest when the economy is strengthening. But, right now, there's not a whole lot of trend going on for any of the sectors. The chart at the top shows that there has been stability for most of the sectors with the exception of services where the chart plots a gradual erosion in progress.
Among the IFO reading, the only reading that stands above its median reading on data back to 1991 is the construction sector with a 59.5 percentile standing for current conditions. Any reading above the 50th percentile is above its median. Retailing is one of the sectors that comes close to doing this, also for current conditions, with a reading at its 48.2 percentile, closing in on that neutral 50% mark.
Conditions in Germany remain touch and go; there remains political stability in the country where national elections are pending. In the euro area, there has been a lot of political reversals for long entrenched national parties. Europe displays a good deal of uncertainty particularly regarding recent U.S. policies that have pressured Europe over some of its past conduct and where a new system of support for Ukraine is in the offing. The times they are a changin.’
- Existing home sales -4.9% (+2.0% y/y) to 4.08 mil. in Jan.; +2.9% (+9.7% y/y) to 4.29. mil. in Dec.
- Sales patterns mostly decline, w/ elevated home prices and high mortgage rates.
- Median sales price decreases to $396,900, the lowest level since March ’24.
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